TacoTime Franchise Owners Play Vital Role In Marketing Efforts
From Input on Ideas to Weighing in on Packaging, Ad Campaigns and Product Roll-Out Timelines, Every Decision on Marketing Gets Franchise Owner Input
One thing entrepreneurs tend to excel at is brand marketing. They know how, when and where to put their offerings in the best light, and that’s why every TacoTime® Mexican food franchise owner gets to weigh in on new product development and more.
Because TacoTime has co-ops made up of franchise owners in a region, those individuals get the chance to look at everything from media placement for ads to R&D around new products, explains Kevin Gingrich, TacoTime President. That means input, evaluation and a seat at the table.
Franchise Owner Involvement at Every Step
“TacoTime doesn’t do anything without franchise owner input,” says Kevin, who owns franchises himself. “The owners know what wrap we’re using, what cup we’re using, around any new product or existing-product promotion. The franchise owners see things well ahead of time. The brand wants their feedback, and for them to be on board. This is how we accomplish that.”
In addition to the co-op meetings, TacoTime Mexican food franchise owners also benefit from a franchise advisory council, which provides input on every major decision around the brand. They can also become involved with a research and development council, which works with the corporate team on testing new products in stores, and also will share its findings with the wider franchise ownership base.
“Nothing makes it onto the annual menu promotional schedule without going through all these phases,” Kevin says. “The R&D council lets other owners know what’s working, but also what’s not working, and why, so often an idea will go back to the drawing board for more work instead of just being set aside.”
Brand Marketing Plays a Key Role in Product Development
Another council that gets a lot of attention is the creative review team, which is a group of TacoTime franchise owners that reviews all marketing materials around a product launch or the reintroduction of an existing product that’s getting a new look. This way, owners can take their input through the final steps of roll-out.

“There is so much to marketing,” Kevin says. “From traditional ad campaigns to social media roll-out, not to mention the physical point-of-purchase materials. It evolves a great deal from start to finish, and that’s because owners are giving their thoughts so the brand can tweak what it’s doing until everyone agrees that it is the right approach. Again, everything the brand does is for the team of TacoTime® Mexican franchise owners, and that’s why at every step the owners know they are a part of it.”
TacoTime is ready for the spotlight. With more than 350 locations in the United States and Canada, the Mexican food franchise is ready to break out of its home turf in the Pacific Northwest and hit the national stage. TacoTime is looking for entrepreneurs who are passionate about bringing authentic and affordable Mexican food to their communities. TacoTime is led by a veteran franchise team and dedicated brand support team as part of the Kahala Brands™ family.
Ready to open a TacoTime Franchise in Your Community?
To learn more about TacoTime, visit the research pages, or download the free Franchise Information Report.
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