Franchise Owners Drive TacoTime’s Process for Vetting New Products
Operator Input is Huge at TacoTime, Where Owners Can Get Involved in Multiple Ways to Ensure They are Heard When Big Decisions Come Alone
One of the best things about owning a small business is the independence it provides. That’s certainly true for TacoTime™ Mexican food franchise owners, but at the same time those owners are part of a larger team that helps decide the brand’s direction.

“One thing we make sure of is that owners are heard,” explains Kevin Gingrich, President. “I own some TacoTime franchises myself, and I can remember how pleased I was that my input and suggestions from the ‘front lines’ were being heard and acted upon by the corporate team. We work very hard to make sure those lines of communication aren’t just open, but are busy.”
Franchise Advisory Committee Has Major Input
Every TacoTime Mexican food franchise owner can get involved in brand planning as much, or as little, as he or she likes. From regional informational meetings to various committees that work on new menu items, marketing, promotion and much more, there are multiple ways to plug in.
Heading all that up is the Franchise Advisory Committee, a group of TacoTime franchise owners who are elected to a two-year term by their fellow franchise owners. These men and women meet three times a year, and they guide most major decisions that happens within the brand. That includes changes to products, packaging or distribution, menu or value strategy updates, marketing and promotions.
Owner Input Essential to Growth
“TacoTime has been able to grow and expand in new and existing markets because of engaged, enthusiastic owners,” Kevin says. “Groups like the Franchise Advisory Committee are key in these efforts. They work with their fellow owners, as well as the corporate R&D and marketing teams, to help ensure we’re all on the same page as we move the TacoTime Mexican food franchise brand forward and continue our U.S. expansion.”
TacoTime is ready for the spotlight. With more than 350 locations in the United States and Canada, the Mexican food franchise is ready to break out of its home turf in the Pacific Northwest and hit the national stage. TacoTime is looking for entrepreneurs who are passionate about bringing authentic and affordable Mexican food to their communities. TacoTime is led by a veteran franchise team and dedicated brand support team as part of the Kahala Brands™ family.
Ready to Open a TacoTime Franchise in Your Community?
To learn more about TacoTime, visit the franchise website’s research pages, or download a free Franchise Information Report.
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